Are you considering taking out an equity loan? If you own a considerable amount of equity, such as a car, a house or other substantial possessions and need to raise money fast, an equity loan may be one of your easiest and most reliable options.
What is an Equity Loan?
An equity loan is any type of loan in which equity is used as the collateral. For example, if you take out a mortgage on a house, then this house is the collateral, and could be used as equity if you chose to take out a home equity loan.
In fact, there are two main types of equity loans, home equity loans and title loans.
To find out which loan is best for you and your unique financial needs, read on:
Home Equity Loans
A home equity loan is a loan in which you take out a loan against your home. Depending on how much your house is worth and how much you have paid off your mortgage, typically determines how big or small a loan you can take out.
Home equity loans are often also referred to as “second mortgages” or “lines of credit” and are usually used by homeowners that are in desperate, immediate need of cash.
Unfortunately, there are some downsides to taking out this kind of loan. You risk losing your home if you miss making regular payments. And this doesn’t just mean you’ll lose the roof over your head, but your credit score will also be seriously damaged.
While home equity loans can seem like a fast way to generate cash, it is important to consider the potential negative side effects before you take one out.
Title Loans
Generally speaking, auto equity loans or title loans are a much safer form of loan compared to home equity loans. This is because this type of equity loan uses the value of your car as collateral, which more than likely is of much less value than your home.
A title loan works by you being awarded with cash, based on the value of your vehicle. In exchange, the title loan company takes temporary ownership of your car’s title (pink slip). You will then have to repay your loan in full (you are usually given several years to do so) in order for the pink slip to be returned into your name. You will also be able to drive your car as you make your repayments.
Ultimately, title loans provide you with a fast and safe way to raise money fast, without you having to risk losing your home or give up driving your car in the process.
Choose Car Capital Financial
If you’re a Southern California resident looking for an auto equity loan, choose Car Capital Financial. We are one of Southern California’s most trusted title loan companies and have been awarding loans of great value for over 20 years. Title loans are issued based on the borrower’s ability to repay the loan.
To get your title loan now, call us at 1-888-500-9887!