If you are in need of cash fast and own your car in full or have almost paid it off, call Car Capital Financial now at 1-888-500-9887 to get your title loan today!
We specialize in awarding fast loans to clients in financial need. If you need to raise cash fast, we’ve got you covered! Call us now.
How to Get Home Loans with Poor Credit
If you have poor credit, your chances of getting a home loan approved typically become seriously reduced. Home lenders like to lend to home buyers they can trust, and they usually judge their trustworthiness through their credit score.
Therefore, if you have a bad credit score, getting home loans with a poor credit score can be extremely difficult. However, there are some ways of getting around this and still being able to get a good mortgage rate, and these include:
Demonstrate Other Financial Assets
Even with a bad credit score, you may own valuable assets that can serve as considerable equity. Perhaps you own a car, other property, a considerable amount of money invested in your 401k or a hefty life insurance. If you can demonstrate any of these (such as through written documentation) to home lenders they may be more willing to offer you a mortgage at a decent rate. This is because despite your poor credit score you can still demonstrate that you have sufficient funds available should a financial crisis arise.
Show Stable Employment
If you have stable employment and earn a decent to high salary, this is another asset worth demonstrating to home lender companies to offset your poor credit score. The fact that you can show you have a steady income will suggest to mortgage lenders that you will have a sufficient cash flow to cover your monthly mortgage payments, and could persuade them to overlook your poor credit score. When directly consulting with home loaners, arrive prepared by having at least your last two previous pay stubs at hand as well as documentation that proves how long you’ve been working at your current position.
Increase Your Mortgage Down Payment
One of the easiest ways to get around home loans for bad credit owners is to increase your down payment offer considerably when attempting to purchase a property. Instead of putting down the usual 10-2o% down on a property, consider seriously upping this amount. You may have to go as high as a 30% down payment to convince home lenders that you’re eligible for mortgage approval, but if you have that level of cash, it may be worth it if it means getting a home loan approved for your dream home.
Use a Specialist Home Loan Bad Credit Company
There are companies out there that specialize in awarding home loans to bad credit owners. These loan companies will typically make getting a home loan approved significantly easier for you. However, the loans these companies offer also typically come with major strings attached, such as a much higher interest rate. Before you sign up for one of these types of loans, seriously consider the potential long term financial consequences.
Get a Co-Signer Who Has Good Credit
If all else fails, consider getting a co-signer on your loan who has a good credit score. This can be a risky way to go, as you must be able to trust the person that is cosigning completely, but it may also help you get your loan approved much more easily. You will probably want to ask a close friend or family member that you can absolutely trust to cosign the home loan with you, and while there’s a chance he or she could say no, it’s at least worth a try.
Car Capital Financial
If you need to raise cash fast, whether it is to put a down payment on a home or to make any other major type of purchase, call Car Capital Financial to get your cash title loan as fast as today. Title loans are issued based on your ability to repay the loan.
Call us at 1-888-500-9887 to get your cash now!