Do you have no credit history but need a cash advance? Then it may seem like getting a cash advance is next to impossible. As one of the most common methods of acquiring a cash advance is through a credit card, having no credit history can easily appear problematic.
Luckily, there are other ways you can get a cash advance, many of which don’t even involve owning a credit card. Read on for the best ways to get a cash advance with no credit:
1. Get a Credit Card
Perhaps the most obvious and simplest solution is to take out a credit card. If you are approved for a credit card, now is the time to take one out, build a credit history, and qualify for a cash advance. Just bear in mind that a credit card cash advance will typically involve a huge interest rate (sometimes as much as 100%!) so always check exactly what you’re signing up for before you go down this route.
2. Take Out an Online Cash Advance
There are many online lending companies that advertise cash advance loans with no credit check. Oftentimes these companies lend very quickly, so if you need to raise money fast, this option is worth your consideration. Just remember as with credit card cash advances, there will be strings attached to an online loan (such as a high interest rate), so always read the fine print!
3. Consider a Neighborhood Loan
You’ve probably seen neighborhood loan centers in your town or city offering “cash advances no credit check”, “checks cashed here” etc. These loans usually award you the value of your next paycheck, which could provide you with fast financial relief. However, always bear in mind that these types of loans usually only give you a very small window to repay them – so only take out this loan if you’re sure you’ll be able to repay it before your next paycheck arrives.
4. Ask to Use A Family Credit Card
If you feel like you’re between a rock and a hard space financially, why not ask a family member if they can help you. Perhaps they can provide you with a cash advance through their own credit card or simply give you a cash loan from their savings. Of course only consider this option if you understand the potentially negative consequences – such as if you become unable to pay this loan back – but if you think someone can help, there really is no harm in at least asking.
5. Explore Other Options
Alternatively, you could consider not getting a cash advance and exploring other ways to get money fast. Perhaps you could take on some extra shifts at work? Or do odd jobs in your neighborhood? Or if you have a car that’s paid off (or almost paid off) you could qualify for a title loan, which could easily provide you with thousands of dollars. If you are refused a cash advance on account of your poor credit, don’t give up, as there are certainly other reliable options out there.
Car Capital Financial
For raising money fast and securely, Car Capital Financial has you covered. We provide fast, safe loans that are of significant value. If you live in Southern California, own your car in full or only have a few remaining payments, you could definitely qualify for one of our loans. Title loans are issued based on the borrower’s ability to repay the loan.
To start your loan process now, call us at 1-888-500-9887!